THE CROSS is a symbol - more universal in its use, more important in its significance than any other in the world.
~ George Willard Benson
Ralph E. Bird was Pastor of Peace Lutheran Church from 1974 to 1989. During these 15 years, the crosses were crafted by several men in the congregation, then displayed and studied in the sanctuary during the Lenten and Advent seasons. After the crosses were placed into a "WALKWAY OF CROSSES" near the parsonage and Columbarium at the first church location, then placed here in the pines to the Glory of God.
In 1998 a Walkway of Crosses Committee was established. Then crosses were remodeled, rebuilt, and replaced. A brick walk was added. Besides the committee, many contributors from the congregation, and the community have made it possible to recreate a new, beautiful Walkway - a true "labor of love" to the Glory of God. Many thanks to all those who have labored to establish this beautiful, meaningful area on our church property.
We dedicate this "Walkway of Crosses" booklet to the memory of Gene Smith.
Along this path, you will find a collection of crosses, most of which have either symbolic or historical significance; all stemming from the one true cross - the cross on which Christ died to pay for your sins and mine. We also call your attention to the large stone cross, on the grass, in the middle of the driveway. The cross is made of stones from each of the fifty states. Additionally, inside the church are other interesting crosses!
Peace Lutheran Church congregation invites you to view them and learn more about our Lord who turned the cross, an instrument of cruel death, into a symbol of life and hope for all. Please join us any Sunday for Bible classes at 10:15 or contemporary worship at 11:15 A.M. The church office is open from 9:00 - 12:00 Tuesday through Thursday and we welcome any questions you may have. You will find an image of each cross on this web page and a brief description.
Please feel free to click send a message HERE and contact us to leave questions, or comments, or sign up for our free E-Newsletter.
Walkway of Crosses Committee,
Peace Lutheran Church